This is a really cool compilation of characters! It was fun spotting out a few familiar characters in the poster and appreciating the new ones I don't recognize too.
This is a really cool compilation of characters! It was fun spotting out a few familiar characters in the poster and appreciating the new ones I don't recognize too.
With your rad character designs this is looking really cool! As someone who has started 50 billion comics, made a single chapter, then cancelled them, don't feel rushed to work on it or anything.
Looking cool with what there is so far, though!
YOOO this is really cool! Deoxys is my favorite Pokémon and I don't ever see enough art posted of them honestly, great job!
This is some gnarly ass shit right here, I love messed up monster designs
Pico as Vash is the most obscure crossover I never knew I needed in my life LOL.
Really great art, I bet it was a ton of fun figuring out which costumes to give which character and all
As a big fan of mascot type animal character design, I find this really good! I'm a fan of keeping it somewhat simple, yet expanding upon what there is. I think the bandages are a really cool touch tbh, vaguely reminds me of a Sonic The Hedgehog comic character.
I've always really liked the jagged mechanical looks of the weapon devils in Chainsaw Man and this badass art kicks it up tenfold. Really cool!
The huge form, minimal color palette, awesome pose, cool background... This is all around an ultra badass piece of art.
One of my personal favorite colors too!
Hyper Sonic has always been a really cool form in the classic games, though I wonder what it's all about lore-wise. I mean if Super Sonic is already an invincible final-boss-beater, what more would Hyper Sonic do in a modern game? I'd still like to see it happen though, that'd be really cool.
Really nice art, though!
Love it
Half artist, half musician, transforms into a game dev under the light of a full moon.
Big into character design, Homestuck, One Piece, Sonic the Hedgehog, and a bunch of other fandoms
Age 24, She/They
Chronic Hobbyist
School for Cool Fools
John One Piece's House
Joined on 5/29/21